Discover how CSC Corptax® Provision automates calculations and provides multiple approaches to visualize data for a clean, concise picture of your optimal corporate income tax results.

Learn how to:

  • Provide data-driven insights to support business changes and reporting requirements
    • Support cross-functional goals using common data across the business
    • Leverage consistent data for review and analysis using common profiles
  • Build repeatable processes, repurpose data, and manage multiple data models
    • Manage reporting and workflows for GAAP, STAT, state, and foreign reporting groups
    • Standardize data collection from foreign controllers
    • Automate consolidations and configure sub-consolidates
    • Identify rate drivers early by tracking positions and changes to ETR
  • Run scenario planning and comparative reporting for instant variance analysis
    • Determine the impact of revaluing deferreds
    • Analyze period-over-period data

Clients on Corptax

"Our preparers save so much time using Corptax Provision. They can do more of the rewarding work on the analytics side, instead of just plugging numbers into Excel."

Jessica Conte, Tax Manager, ITT