You’ve heard about open database connectivity (ODBC), but what exactly is it, and how does it improve data analytics?

In a nutshell, ODBC connects databases. It instantly pushes real-time Corptax data to analytics programs via a direct, refreshable connection. No in-between steps. Numerous compatible applications include Alteryx, Power BI, Tableau, and so many more.

View the webinar as we demonstrate CSC Corptax® ODBC in action, including how it complements CSC Corptax® Office and your analytics toolset

Learn how to:

  • Access Corptax’s data sources in real time: Int’l Diagnostics, Tables, Queries, Reports, and more
  • Use immediate data access to master scenarios such as workflow status, adjustments, and E&P
  • Easily update analytics when source data changes
Corptax ODBC helps you quickly generate analytics for fact-based decision-making.

Clients on Corptax

"You can instantly pull data for analytics—a gold mine for planning purposes"

Tax Planning, Projects, & Technology Manager, Toyota Financial Services